
FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) Data for Horizon Europe

Wikimedia Commons ©SangyaPundir. CC BY-SA 4.0
28 June 2022
Start time 
3:30 pm
Dissemination and Evaluation of Research Outputs Division
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
27 June 2022, 12:00
Contact person: 
Vincenzo Maltese

The webinar will last about 60 minutes and will be held in English.


  • Sandro Fiore (Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science)

The initiative is of particular interest for PhD students, postdocs, and University researchers.

The seminar will focus on the relevance of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles for data management and data stewardship in science, on their strategic role as guidelines for data management in research and on their link with Open Science.

In addition, the role of data management and of the data management plan in projects funded under the Horizon Europe program will be presented in depth in relation to data and, more generally, to research results.

Finally, there will be a brief overview of initiatives and projects related to the FAIR principles at national, European and international level.

Attendees are informed that the seminar will be recorded. The recording will cover only the speaker speech and will be stopped at the beginning of the question and answer session.
