PhD Open Day 2017

Doctoral Course in Cognitive Sciences
7 June 2017
7 June 2017

Location: Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Sala Convegni, Palazzo Fedrigotti - Corso Bettini 31, Rovereto

If you are thinking to apply for a PhD, the Open Day is an excellent opportunity to know more about the course program and the research opportunities within the PhD in Cognitive Sciences (former Psychological sciences and education) at the University of Trento, to meet current students and faculty members and to informally discuss your research interests with them.

The PhD Open Day includes:

  •  Short talks and poster presentations by current PhD students
  •  Meetings with our current students and PIs of the research groups
  •  Opportunities to learn more about the lines of research within the PhD program
  •  Information about funding, entry requirements and career perspectives of the PhD
  •  A special event on “HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY APPLY TO THE DOCTORAL COURSE”, prospective applicants can get directly in contact with potential supervisors, evaluate the fit between their research interests and the course opportunities, receive tips and advice on how to get through the application and selection process in order to make one’s own application successful.


For organizational reasons, it is necessary to register for this event at this link before the 1st of June. 
Cost: Free

Program of the Event


Welcome and today’s program
Oral presentations (II and III year doctoral students)

Gisella Decarli The inter-individual differences in number and face processing during infancy
Teresa Del Bianco The social gaze: visual orienting mechanisms in typical and atypical development
Greta Mazzaggio  “I spy with my little eye”. Pragmatic inferences in typically developing children and children with high functioning autism

Coffee break
Oral presentations (II and III year doctoral students)

Marco Bressan The impact of faking on the correlation between two ordinal variables
Martina Salomonsson Choice-supportive memory: A robust phenomenon?
Barbara Caprara The Clearing the path for successful Montessori transition in public schools




Posters session (I year doctoral students)

Andrea Beretta Decision making with Big Data: how to take effective decisions using machine learning predictions.
Giulia Calignano Which dimensions of language affect early orienting of attention toward objects? A study proposal.
laria Cataldo Genes, social behavior and social media/networks: an integrated study on psychological components of bonding.
Fabio Filosofi Investigating teachers’ attitudes towards the visibility of special needs: the role of the backdrop in the school context.
Michele Giannotti A Dynamic-Maturational Model of Attachment: Information processing and self-protective strategies in school-age children.
Jodi Guazzini In favour of a conception, both phenomenological and physicalist, of the mind-body relation.
Isotta Landi Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques to identify Autism Spectrum Disorder subgroups on integrated clinical and genotypic data.
Edoardo Pappaianni Fractionating the emotional brain: psychological and morphometric differences in good versus bad regulators.


Oral presentations (II and III year doctoral students)

Valeria Ciampa Identity and Stress: An application of the Expanded Model of Organizational Identification
Diego Leite The Mechanistic Explanation of Human Cognition in the Twenty-First Century: A Critical Appraisal
Mauro Sabadini The process between theory and practice in intercultural context
Alessandra Zappoli Pitch accents processing in L1 and L2


Coffee break


The doctoral course in Cognitive Science in numbers

In this event prospective applicants can get directly in contact with potential supervisors, evaluate the fit between their research interests and the course opportunities, receive tips and advice on how to get through the application and selection process in order to make one’s own application successful. For organizational reasons, it is necessary to register for this event at this link before the 1st of June.


For further information 

On the Open Phd Dayphd.dipsco [at]
On the PhD Application:
On the PhD areas outline:
On the PhD course: