Government Hacking and the Proliferation of the Surveillance Industry

4 November 2015
November 4, 2015

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Meeting Room Garda, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico “Fabio Ferrari” (Building Povo 1), via Sommarive 5 -Povo, Trento


  • Claudio Guarnieri, Independent - Freelance consultant

With the growing ubiquity of encryption in common Internet services, state actors are increasingly recurring to hacking and using spyware to monitor controversial groups and individuals. The need for powerful and resilient intrusion software fostered a booming surveillance industry. However, research and publications of the last years uncovered a disturbing reality of human rights abuses by oppressive regimes, and an unexpected global proliferation of very invasive, and yet mostly unregulated, hacking software and equipment. In this talk, we walk through several years of technical and academic research that opened the lid on the intrusion software market and sparked a debate that is now of the highest relevance.

About the Speaker 
Claudio Guarnieri is a security researcher and free software developer. He created the malware analysis system Cuckoo Sandbox, and the free service He's a core member of The Honeynet Project, a fellow at the Centre for Internet and Human Rights, and a research fellow at the Citizen Lab, University of Toronto.

Contact Person Regarding this Talk: Luca Allodi, luca.allodi [at]