Cycle 30° Seminars

On the Security of the Blockchain Bix Protocol and Certificates
19 October 2017
October 19, 2017

Place: Seminar Room "-1" -  Department of Mathematics - Via Sommarive 14 - Povo - Trento
at 12.00 a.m.

  • Riccardo Longo - PhD student in mathematics

The BIX protocol is a blockchain-based protocol that allows distribution of certificates linking a subject with his public key, hence providing a service similar to that of a PKI but without the need of a CA.
After an introduction on proofs of security,  the BIX protocol will be presented, then its security will be analysed in a formal way.Once the formal security assumptions will be identified, some attack scenarios against the BIX protocol will be presented, and finally, theorems that these attacks are not feasible under our previously established assumptions will be provided, with a sketch of their proofs.

Supervisor: Massimiliano Sala