What we can learn from genetic disorders of membrane trafficking

PhD colloquia - seminar
22 September 2014
22 September 2014

Venue: Room A105, Polo F. Ferrari, via Sommarive, 5 - Povo-Trento
5:00 pm

  • Antonella De Matteis, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples

Intracellular membrane trafficking is essential for organelle biogenesis, structure, and function, the exchange of material between organelles, and communication between the cell and its external environment.
Genetic disorders affecting intracellular trafficking can lead to a variety of human diseases, but specific therapies for these diseases are notably lacking. I will provide examples of how our understanding of disease mechanisms can be informed by knowledge of membranetrafficking and vice versa. Furthermore, I will focus on how knowledge
about genetic disorders of intracellular trafficking can be used to develop strategies for cell-based assays in order to identify drugs using high-content screening approaches.