Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Digital Calendar"”

11th Episode published on 13 March of the Digital Calendar

Versione stampabile

The war in Galicia and the seizure of the prezemysl fortress - 11th Episode published on 13 March of the Digital Calendar, which describes the events of the First World War, month after month.
Information and episode:

This episode deals with the seizure of the Przemysl Fortress, in Galicia and the events related with the long siege. The armed forces of the empire had taken refuge 133 days earlier, to fight against the advance of the Russian armed forces. On the current border between Poland and Ukraine, about 100,000 Austrian-Hungarian soldiers were living in the large fortress, after a long series of defeats suffered against the Russian army. There were numerous attacks trying to conquer the fortress and the region of Galicia with it, which was under the control of the Augsburg Empire.
The episode regarding the fortress is completed with lots of figures: days, soldiers, casualties. The captions of the month are focussed on the fortress and illustrate the figures regarding Przemysl, the Austrian-Hungarian resistance against the Russian advance in Galicia.
Starting from the summer of 1914, because of the vastness of the warfront in that area, many advances and retreats occurred in Galicia. Russians and Austrian-Hungarian conquered and lost terrain very fast. The civilians suffered the most in this mobile war, because of the continuous changes in the location of the warfront. The tragic fate of women, children and elderly people is depicted in this month’s photographic gallery.
The focus is moved from the eastern front to the Italian area. In March 2015 Gianni and Federico Caproni founded the Society for the Development of Aviation, with which they started the industrial production of aircrafts. On one hand the increasingly faster and modern aircrafts were able to overcome the trenches and ground barriers, on the other, on the Champagne warfront, trenches, mud and barbed wire continued to imprison the soldiers