Monday, 27 November 2017

A sense of belonging reduces work related stress

“Teaching and Teacher Education” published the results of a research study authored, among others, by UniTrento Lorenzo Avanzi and Franco Fraccaroli

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The sense of belonging protects from stress.

In other words, to a certain extent, organizational identification is healthy  because it facilitates collaboration among colleagues, reduces the perception of work overload, protects from emotional exhaustion.

That is what emerges from a study conducted by a group of researchers in the education area that has recently been published in “Teaching and Teacher Education”, a well-regarded scientific journal concerned primarily with education, and which gives some advice on how to improve the working environment and personal wellbeing in the workplace.

Lorenzo Avanzi and Franco Fraccaroli from the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science of the University of Trento are among the authors of the study.

The research project was carried out in the framework of a collaboration between the University of Trento and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Locarno) through a questionnaire that was sent to the whole population of teachers in the Ticino Canton. Of the 5079 teachers from all levels of education who received the questionnaire, more than 2500 respondents (that is 52% of the total) participated in the survey.

More details in the press release (in italian).