Monday, 20 November 2017

Climate KIC/Urban Challenge

Trento smart infrastructures. Blue and green solutions in the alpine regions (B&GI_Alps).

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Call for Solutions

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, together with FEM and HIT, is organising within the URBAN TRANSITIONS activities of CLIMATE KIC a Call for Solutions to strengthen green and blue infrastructures to foster sustainable resilience and climate change adaptation in Trento. 

The project aims to enhance, develop and manage marginal landscapes with their natural and cultural assets as part of the Blue and Green Infrastructure (BGI) network for a livable and attractive Trento.

The focus will be on finding new ideas and services to support local administrations in planning and realising Blue&Green Infrastructures.
The case study here is Trento, representing a good example of an alpine city.
The call is open to institutions, companies, associations, professional and students also outside the CLIMATE KIC network.

Deadline: November 27, 2017