Learning from examples in optical imaging

12 maggio 2016
12 maggio 2016

Date: May 12
Time: 10.00 am
Location: Room Ofek, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico “Fabio Ferrari”, Building Povo 1 - Povo (Trento) 

Prof. Demetri Psaltis, EPFL

Optical tomography has been widely investigated for biomedical imaging applications. In recent years optical tomography has been combined with digital holography and has been employed to produce high-quality images of phase objects such as cells. We describe a method for imaging 3D phase objects in a tomographic configuration implemented by training an artificial neural network to reproduce the complex amplitude of the experimentally measured scattered light. The network is designed such that the voxel values of the refractive index of the 3D object are the variables that are adapted during the training process.

About the Speaker
Demetri Psaltis is a Greek-American electrical engineer and the Dean of the School of Engineering at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne since 2007. He is also a Professor in Bioengineering and Director of the Optics Laboratory of the EPFL. He is one of the founders of the term and the field of optofluidics. He is also well known for his past work in holography, especially with regards to optical computing, holographic data storage, and neural networks. He is an author of over 350 publications, contributed more than 20 book chapters, invented more than 50 patents, and currently has a h-index of 80.

Contact person regarding this talk:roberto.battiti [at] unitn.it ( )

Please, note that the seminar prof. Psaltis will be moved to a later date.