Urban Tourism And Sustainability in Toronto

9 dicembre 2019
9 December 2019

Venue: Palazzo di Economia, via Inama 5 (Trento) – Conference room  
At: 1.30 PM



Canada's economic growth and immigration policies have helped Toronto, one of the largest metropolitan areas in North America, experience a very fast population growth. Tourism has grown as well significantly with increases in the past 5 years of 52% in spending and 17% in the number of visitors (about 44 million in 2018). As a destination, it is, of course, confronted to a number of issues related to planning and development, management, marketing, and sustainability. This presentation is addressing two specific topics. The first one is related to urban tourism stakeholders' perceptions and attitudes towards sustainability. Specifically, it will discuss a qualitative study that revealed that stakeholders' understanding of sustainability is very limited. The second topic addresses the impact of immigration on Canada and Toronto tourism, from a labour perspective as well as from a marketing point of view.

Maria Della Lucia | Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Università degli Studi di Trento | via Inama, 5 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 282195 | maria.dellalucia [at] unitn.it

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