The 1911 Revolution and the Polemical Foundation of the Chinese Republican Constitutional Order: A Case, and A Path

Guest Lecture
8 ottobre 2020
8th October 2020

h: 11:00-12:30 (CET)

Why China's constitutional development in the 20th century took a path so different from most western countries? A close reading of the constitutional moment in 1911-1912 may shed light on this question. In the early Republican period, China has experimented with various constitutional models but failed to achieve political integration. This failure is the key to understand China's turn to Communist Revolution in the 1920s.

Guest Speaker

Yongle Zhang

Associate Professor, School of Law, Peking University;
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles;
Visiting Fellow, The Institute for Adavanced Study, Berlin; Visiting Fellow, The Institute for Adavanced Study, Nantes;
Research Field: Constitutional History, History of International Law, Intellectual History.
Books: Remaking An Old Country: 1911-1917, Peking University Press, 2011, 2016;
The Rivalry of Nations: Kang Youwei and the Decay of the Vienna System, Commerce Press, 2017;
Shifting Boundaries: A Global History of the Monroe Doctrine, SDX Press, 2021 (forthcoming).

Scientific Coordinator: Ivan Cardillo Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Trento University
Zoom streaming free of charge. Reading material, meeting ID and password available upon registration.
Please register in advance at the following link by 7 October at 4:00 PM.

For further information please contact ivan.cardillo [at]

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