Graduate Conference. Work in Progress Poland, post-war trials and DPs

15 maggio 2018
16 maggio 2018
15 - 16 maggio 2018

Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, aula 119 Via Tommaso Gar 14 Trento

Corso di Dottorato in Culture d'Europa. Ambiente, spazi, storie, arti, idee


May 15, 2018 – 9:30 am Perspective of occupied territory: the case-study of Poland

Moderator: dr. Andrea Löw
(Institute for Contemporary History, Munich)


Anna Veronica Pobbe
PhD-candidate Università di Trento

Hans Biebow in 1942, the economic side of the Endlösung in Łódź Ghetto


Emiliano Vitti
PhD-candidate Università di Pavia

The National Socialist juridical paradox during the occupation in the East, the case of General Government of Poland


Karen Porter
PhD-candidate University of Sheffield-Hallam

Mothers in the Łódź Ghetto, as seen through their children's diaries


Dr. Jack Woods

Superstition in the Polish Ghettos during the time of the Nazi Occupation

May 15, 2018 – 3:00 pm War Trials

Moderator: Prof. Umberto Gentiloni Silveri
(Università di Roma "Sapienza")


Leo Gurtler
PhD-candidate University of Vienna

Franz Stangl: A biographical study


Philip Dinkelanker
PhD-candidate Zentrum fur Antisemitismusforschung - Berlin

Dealing with „Jewish Collaboration” in post-National-Socialist Germany - Honor Court, Social Court and Judicial Trials Against Shoah Survivors


Dr. Franziska Kols

War crimes in the collective memory. The trials for Nazi massacres in Italy after 1994 from a German-Italian perspective

May 16, 2018 – 9:30 am What is left after the war? Memory, survivors and other issues
Prof. Nicola Labanca
(Università di Siena)
Prof. Tullia Catalan
(Università di Trieste)

Federica di Padova
PhD-candidate Università di Trieste

Jewish Refugees in Northern Italy. The attack on Jewish DPs of May 1, 1946 in Reggio Emilia


Dr. Chiara Renzo
Ca' Foscari Università di Venezia

The Jewish Displaced Persons in Italy (1943-1951). Humanitarian Aid, Political Support and Self-Representation


Alicja Podbielska
PhD-candidate Clark University

The Aftermath of Rescue


Dr. Nicola Tonietto

The political legacy of Fascism in Italy. The neo-fascism movements from the period of its clandestine intervention to the Movimento Sociale Italiano (1943-1953).

Con il patrocinio di:

Responsabili scientifici:
Anna Veronica Pobbe
Gustavo Corni


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