Strategies, Techniques, Tools and Tips for teaching in an L2

23 maggio 2019
28 maggio 2019
23 e 28 maggio

Luogo: Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia, Via T. Gar - Trento

23 maggio 2019, ore 11:00 - 14:00

Workshop 1 - Promoting learning: adapting content, recapping, recycling, monitoring, evaluating

Aula 226, Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia, Via T. Gar - Trento

Promoting learning by:
- Examining ways to adapt content; discussing strategies for recapping and recycling; illustrating tools to monitor learning and progress; identifying issues involved in evaluation and how to address them.
- Analysing lesson plans – self- and peer-evaluation plus Feedback with a view to planning effective lessons/learning.

Teacher: Catherine Elizabeth Riley

Iscrizioni online: massimo 30 iscritti in ordine di prenotazione, apertura iscrizioni 15/05/19.

28 maggio 2019, ore 14:00 - 17:00

Workshop 2 - Promoting active participation: engagement, interaction, group work, applied learning, communication skills

Aula 227, Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia, Via T. Gar - Trento

Promoting active participation and skills development by:

- Examining approaches which enhance engagement and interaction and encourage applied learning;
- Discussing how to organise group work effectively; understanding how to develop communication skills in an L2;
- Analysing a learning activity – self- and peer-evaluation plus Feedback in order to identify effective approaches and tools for skills development and evaluation

Teacher: Catherine Elizabeth Riley

Iscrizioni online: massimo 30 iscritti in ordine di prenotazione, apertura iscrizioni 15/05/19.