GEOframe Winter School 2025
Investigating the relevance of targeting the NAMPT-NNMT axis in cancer cells
Towards ensemble modelling for the passive surveillance of invasive arthropod vectors
METHODOLOGICAL WEBINAR: Teaching Sustainability through Challenge-Based Learning
Il Catai di Marco Polo e la Cina di Martino Martini: due mondi a confronto
ROPES Industry
Vertebrate physiology with a particular focus on fish (hormonal regulation of growth, behavior, and reproduction)
Rotating dipolar quantum gases: supersolids, vortices and glitches
Your Heart’s Secret: It Has Its Own Nervous System
Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) Evolution and Space Applications
Traceability in the meat supply chain: vertical regulations, regulated and voluntary certifications
Regularity and algebraic invariants of projective forms
Quantum orbits and wild de Rham spaces
Info Day - EIT Digital and EIT Manufacturing Master School Programmes at DISI
On-line information session on SIS Two-Year Master's Degrees
ECIU Lunch & Learn - Preparing a successful Erasmus+ proposal
1st Conference on Computational Social Science
Platform Politics: Corporate Power, Grassroots Movements and the Sharing Economy
European Master in Business Studies - EMBS Open Day: Let's talk!
Advanced Statistical Inference for Stochastic Quasi-Reaction Systems
The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy: Focus on Metabolic Imaging
Rigidity of black holes and gravitational waves
Porte Aperte
Il futuro inizia sempre con un cantiere
Presentazione del piano strategico del programma di Accelerazione iNEST
AIT2025 Artificial Intelligence for Telecom
Job Cafè
International School of Psychology and the Humanities (PsyHuman)
Tutele giurisdizionali in trasformazione?
Dai mezzi come concetto filosofico ai corpi come strumenti politici
Genesi e crisi dello Stato moderno
The Attention Economy in the Era of Mass Distractions
Cerimonia di conferimento della Laurea Honoris Causa ad Andrea Rinaldo
School of Innovation and ECIU challenges and activities
Is it all about gender? Analysing anti-gender and populist radical right discourses about feminist issues in Italy and Spain
Jacob Taubes e Paolo di Tarso tra messianesimo e teologia politica
La virtualità nel pensiero e negli scritti di Ursula Le Guin
Can We Resist Resistance? Tackling Genomic Mechanisms in Acinetobacter baumannii and Beyond
La Siria al bivio: tra transizione politica e protezione del patrimonio culturale
Philosophy & Climate
EVT: una piattaforma open source per le edizioni scientifiche digitali
Il lessico nell'apprendimento del russo come lingua straniera: il quadro attuale
Fidarsi è bene? Strategie per l'Evidence-Based Design di Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale Medica affidabili
Fostering STEM and biomedical education and research in Subsaharian Africa
Before and after October 7: Changes in Italian Undergraduates Attitudes towards Jews and Muslims
Leggendo insieme "Speranza e disperazione” di Eugenio Borgna
Functional SNPs in UTRs and how to find and validate them
Il nucleo essenziale del diritto amministrativo
Estetica e politica del katechon
Schmitt e la teologia politica hobbesiana
Decalogo della complessità