Doctoral School in Mathematics
The Sound of Science and Technology
The Noether-Lefschetz locus in families of (singular) Fano threefolds
From PDEs to Scaling Laws: Quantitative Analysis on Turbulent Convection
Graph Matching via the Projected Power Method and Mirror Descent
Parametrization of scalar and multivariable stable linear dynamical systems using orthogonal Hessenberg matrices
Trento Running Festival: corriamo per la ricerca medica
A lifting and saturation method for non-nilpotent lie groups
Motivic classes of curvilinear and principal Hilbert schemes
On the minimal ED degree of Segre-Veronese varieties
Kernel Regime of Deep Neural Networks: Insights and Limitations
Maths at work 2024
Multiple Time Scale Dynamics: From Finite to Infinite - Christian Kuehn