PI Stories
2023 Terza edizione
Each speaker will present a research project he/she led as a principal investigator. The presentation will cover the scientific scope of the project and the most important results that the project has achieved. The speakers will also share their own experiences of turning a research idea into a successful project winning a competitive grant.
The events will take place in presence from March to June 2023 and will be held in English.
All meetings are open to PhD Students, Undergraduate and Master students enrolled at DISI, as well as to people interested in the proposed topics.
March 28, 1.30 p.m - room A107
UNREAL, making an ERC StG real
- Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh
Free participation upon registration online by March 28: Register online
April 27, 1.30 p.m - room A110
Modern Scientists: Funding Hunters
- Riccardo Bassoli, Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden)
Free participation upon registration online by April 27: Register online
June 27, 3:00 p.m
Using AI to Enable Digital Medicine
- Giorgio Quer, Scripps Research Translational Institute
Free participation upon registration online by June 26 at 2:30 pm : Register online