Special event

Fuori dall'Ombra - Out of the shadow

Inauguration of two red benches, a symbol to reflect on gender-based violence
1 December 2021
Start time 
3:15 pm
Polo Ferrari 1, via Sommarive 9, Povo | Polo di Mesiano, via Mesiano 77, Trento
Equity and Diversity Office
Target audience: 
Free – Registration required
Contact details: 
Ufficio Equità e Diversità
0461/283232 - 281144

Fuori dall’ombra” (out of the shadow) is an awareness raising project on gender-based violence, promoted by the University of Trento with the support of the Equity and Diversity Office and coordinated by professor Giovanna A. Massari. The project involved the Departments of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM), the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO), the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) and the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII).

A call for ideas was launched in June for DICAM students to design two red benches, a symbol to reflect on gender-based violence. The winning projects, selected by a special committee and manufactured by a social enterprise, will be installed at Polo Ferrari 1 and Polo di Mesiano and inaugurated during the day, while all the submitted projects will be put on display in an exhibition at the Mesiano University Library (BUM).

The exhibition will be open at the ground floor of the Library until 30 January 2022. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on 25 November, and of the inauguration of the exhibition, the Mesiano University Library will prepare a selection of books that deal with violence against women and that can help us eliminate it. On this occasion, a slideshow with images and quotes from literary works that portray female characters will run on the library's screens. The slides were created by Vittorio Carrara and Marianna Malfatti of the Central University Library (BUC).

The day will come to an end with a moment of shared reflection and a small refreshment.


14.15 Inauguration of a red bench at  Polo Ferrari 1

  • Barbara Poggio, Vice Rector for Equity and Diversity Policies
  • Paolo Giorgini, Director of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science - DISI
  • Paolo Macchi, director of the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrated Biology - CIBIO
  • Alessandro Pegoretti, Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering - DII
  • Benedetta Aliprandi and Matteo Omilli, authors of the winning project, students of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering - DICAM

15.30 Inauguration of a red bench at Polo di Mesiano

  • Flavio Deflorian, Rector
  • Oreste Bursi, Director of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering - DICAM

16.00 Inauguration of the exhibition of the projects presented by DICAM students who participated in the call for ideas "Fuori dall'Ombra - Panchine rosse" (out of the shadow - red benches) at the Mesiano University Library (BUM)

  • Patrizia Tomio, Head of the Equity and Diversity Office
  • Giovanna A. Massari, scientific coordinator of the project
  • Michela Favero, Head of the Architecture Division

16.30 Reading of excerpts and poems by the groups participating in the call - Polo di Mesiano

  • Roberta Cuel, President of the Committee for equal opportunities

17.00 Refreshments – Polo di Mesiano

The event was organized with the help of the Committee for equal opportunities.

Advance online booking is required for the visit to the exhibition. The booking link will be published shortly.

To avoid overcrowding in the library, admissions will be staggered, in compliance with the current version of the Covid-19 guidelines for the organization of in-person events at the University of Trento.
Proof of vaccination ("green pass") is required to visit the exhibition.