
The opportunities offered by the PNRR iNEST project for innovation in Health, Food and Lifestyles (spoke 2)

Using research to foster digital transformation in the production processes of companies
6 July 2023
Start time 
5:00 pm
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required

The University of Trento has organized an online discussion for companies and other stakeholders to present the activities of spoke 2 of the iNest ecosystem (Interconnected North-East Innovation Ecosystem), a project funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) involving the University of Trento (project leader), the University of Verona, the University of Trieste, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Trentino Innovation Hub Foundation, partners from the medical sector and research-oriented companies.

The event will also provide the occasion to present the new "cascading calls" for companies that will be launched as part of the spoke.

Spoke 2's mission, with a focus on citizens/patients, is to develop technological and social innovation to promote human health and well-being and support the digital and green transition of the healthcare systems of Triveneto.

Spoke 2 pursues this ambitious goal using enabling technologies and sciences such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Biotechnologies, Omics Technologies, Electronics and Robotics, in the social, historical, economic and psychological context. The technologies will be integrated to contribute to the digital transformation of the social and economic system of Triveneto, promoting innovative treatments and therapies for a healthy lifestyle, and monitoring their impact on citizens and their quality of life.

The programme of the event is available in the download section.

The event is organized in collaboration with Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT).