
Clearance search and patent application: some case studies

27 September 2023
Start time 
3:00 pm
Division for the Valorization and Impact of Research
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
26 September 2023, 12:00
Contact person: 
Giuseppe Caputo

The first part of the webinar will cover the following topics:

  • using patent search engines by keyword and by clustering based on technological areas to solve any technical issues; characterising the cluster (AI, information systems, etc.);
  • how to draft a patent application that resolves the technical issues that have been identified.

The second part will present the analysis of a number of standard cases involving a software product: creating and improving interactions, transition to complex system model, transition to microlevel, etc.

The speakers will take questions from the participants at the end of each part.

Duration and language:

The webinar will last about 90 minutes and will be held in Italian.


  • Roberto Nani (IP consultant, Studio A.Bre.Mar; Paolo Garavelli, IP consultant, Studio A.Bre.Mar)