Fuori dall'Ombra - Out of the shadow
Two new red benches have been designed and are about to be installed as the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Humanities and the School of International Studies have joined the Fuori dall'ombra - Out of the shadow project of the University of Trento.
In this way the project confirms its ability to cut across different disciplines and offers, again in 2023, an opportunity to talk about violence against women and to give visibility to the work of those, including the students of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, who have overseen the design of the red benches.
As part of this edition of the event, a conference will be held in the morning "Fuori dall’ombra: la violenza contro le donne tra filosofia, letteratura, economia e politica", which will be followed, in the afternoon, by the inauguration of the two red benches and the opening of the exhibition of the projects presented by the groups of students and of the works created for other academic departments of the University since 2021.
The event will continue with some readings performed by students of the University.
The programme aims, on the one hand, to enhance the social role of architecture and, on the other, to offer a further opportunity to understand the phenomenon of violence against women, which is a violation of human rights. The event was made possible thanks to the active collaboration of local institutions and organizations.
In 2023 the Service for Occupational Support and Environmental Enhancement of the Autonomous Province of Trento and Spazio Verde - Soc.Coop. Agricola helped organize the event.
9.30-12.45 – Conference "Fuori dall’ombra: la violenza contro le donne tra filosofia, letteratura, economia e politica" (Out of the shadow: philosophy, literature, economy and politics on violence against women)
Where: Auditorium, Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
9.30 – Registration of participants
9.45-10.15 – Conference opening:
- Marco Gozzi – Director of the Department of Humanities
- Stefano Schiavo – Director of the School of International Studies
- Lucia Savadori – Delegate for Equity and Diversity (Economics and Management Department)
- Barbara Poggio – Vice Rector for Equity and Diversity Policies
10.15-12.15 – Moderator Irene Zavattero – Delegate for Equity and Diversity (Department of Humanities)
- Sara Marchesi – Department of Humanities
"In ogni donna, è l'intera umanità che egli violenta". Alle origini della violenza contro le donne
- Lisa Marchi – Department of Humanities
Costruire un nuovo immaginario: Poesia statunitense e violenza di genere
- Roberta Cuel – Department of Economics and Management
Violenza economica contro le donne
- Pejman Abdolmohammadi – School of International Studies - Department of Humanities
Il ruolo delle donne nella rivoluzione democratica in Iran
12.15-12.45 – Discussion and conclusions
Afternoon programme:
14.00-14.45 – Inauguration of the red bench at the Department of Humanities and the School of International Studies
Where: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Welcome address:
- Marco Gozzi – Director of the Department of Humanities
- Stefano Schiavo – Director of the School of International Studies
- Giulia Casonato – Councillor of the City of Trento for the green transition, digital innovation and citizen involvement
- Flavio Deflorian – Rector of the University of Trento
Presentation of the Project:
- Giovanna A. Massari – Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
- Maurizio Mezzanotte – Head of the SOVA Service, Autonomous Province of Trento
- Designers: Andrea Amistadi, Simone Orsolin, Alberto Rossi, Enrico Scarian
Where: Economics Building, Via Vittorio Inama 5, Trento
Opening of the exhibition of the designs of red benches participating in "Fuori dall'ombra"
- Patrizia Tomio – Head of Diversity Management
Inauguration of the red bench at the Department of Economics and Management
Welcome address:
- Flavio Bazzana – Director of the Department of Economics and Management
- Barbara Poggio – Vice Rector for Equity and Diversity Policies
Presentation of the Project:
- Michela Favero – Head of the Architecture Division
- Designers: Alessandra Motzo, Sofia Perin
“I care”: readings by students
With: Carla Gubert, Greta Perletti, Francesca Di Blasio ((Department of Humanities)
Readings by: Giuseppe Bimonte, Marco Covelli, Giulia Pellè, Lara Tovazzi, Sebastiano Vecellio Salto, Elisa Vita Vitale, Anna Volpato, Elisa Wu
with Gloria Riggio, Italian 2023 Poetry Slam champion.
A certificate of attendance will be provided to the participants upon request.
The event will be held in person and in Italian.
Scientific committee:
- Lucia Savadori (Department of Economics and Management)
- Giovanna A. Massari - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
- Irene Zavattero (Department of Humanities)
- Luigi Bonatti (School of International Studies - Department of Economics and Management)
Contact information:
- Staff of the Economics and Management Department (adm.dem [at] unitn.it)
- Staff of the Humanities Department (staffdip.lett [at] unitn.it)
- Office of the School of International Studies (sis [at] unitn.it)
- Equity and Diversity Office, via Calepina 14, Trento Tel. 0461 283232–1144 (equitadiversita [at] unitn.it)
The event is organised by: Department of Economics and Management, Department of Humanities, School of International Studies, Equity and Diversity Office.