Collège de France visiting professor to UniTrento

9 May 2018
10 May 2018
9 and 10 May 2018

A two-lectures short course on:

“Grothendieck's standard conjectures”

with Claire Voisin, Professor at Collège de France where she who holds the chair of Algebraic Geometry, and member of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris.

Wednesday 9 May

At 15:30 
Polo Ferrari 1, via Sommarive 5, Povo - Aula Tognoli (room A103)

  •  “Introduction to Hodge structures and Grothendieck's standard conjectures”

The topology of smooth projective varieties is very restricted by Hodge theory. 
The central notion is that of a polarized Hodge structure.
The morphisms of Hodge  structures are closely related to Hodge classes (which appear in the Hodge conjecture).
Professor Claire Voisin will present the Hodge-Lefschetz decomposition on the cohomology and formulate the Grothendieck standard conjectures and some of their applications. 

Thursday 10 May

At 15:30 
Polo Ferrari 1, via Sommarive 5, Povo - Aula Tognoli (room A103)

  •  “Grothendieck's standard conjectures and Hodge conjecture” 

Professor Claire Voisin will discuss the notion of absolute Hodge class and its relation with the structure of Hodge loci and will explain one main consequence of the Lefschetz standard conjecture, which is the variational Hodge conjecture.

Claire Voisin holds the chair of Algebric Geometry at Collège de France and is a member of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris.
In 2016 she was awarded the CNRS gold medal, France’s most prestigious scientific distinction.
Her research work is focused on Hodge theory and algebraic cycles with important applications to geometry of algebraic curves (Green's generic conjecture) and of projective varieties (the stable Lüroth problem). 

Scientific coordinators:
Professor Marco Andreatta,
Professor Claudio Fontanari

Dipartimento di Matematica
Via Sommarive, 14, 38123, Povo
+39 0461281671 - 1574