Con noi all'Università
An open doors event for UniTrento employees and their families and friends
9 November 2018
9 November 2018
Where: Mesiano, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
An open doors event for UniTrento employees and their families and friends.
Welcome and registration from 16:00 to 17:00
16:00 - 16.30: arrival of participants and registrations - Cafeteria, ground floor
16.30 - 17.00: welcome address and live music with “Cantare Suonando” - Aula T1, ground floor
Seminars, workshops and other activities (registration is required) from 17:00 to 18:00
- Che tempo farà? Potenzialità e limiti delle previsioni meteorologiche
How's the weather? The potentialities and limits of weather forecasts. A seminar for young adults and adults with Lorenzo Giovannini
Aula T1, ground floor
- Quanto pesa l’aria? Scopriamo che anche l'aria pesa e impariamo a costruire un barometro, lo strumento per misurare il peso dell'aria
The weight of air. Air has weight: learn how to build a barometer, the instrument that you need to measure air pressure. A workshop for young students aged 10-14 with Dino Zardi, Lorenzo Giovannini, Marco Falocchi and Michela Dalprà
Aula 2F, second floor
- Mani in aria! Con semplici esperimenti esploriamo ciò che ci circonda a caccia dei segreti dell'aria
Hands in the air! Exploring what’s around us searching for the secrets of air. A workshop for 7-10 year old children organized by Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
Aula 2B, second floor
- Che fine ha fatto il Signor Vento? Diventiamo protagonisti di una storia che ci porta a scoprire dove il vento fa capolino
What happened to the wind? A story to learn where the wind comes from. A workshop for 4-6 year old children organized by Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
Aula 2A, second floor
- Facciamo il bello e il cattivo tempo - Giocare e sperimentare con gli elementi
Laboratory and rain or shine - Playing with the elements. Soft play area for children in the 0-3 age group with the educators of the University childcare centre
Aula 1H, first floor
Snacks and refreshments and final concert from 18:00 to 19:00
The afternoon will end with snacks and refreshments and a concert by the “Ensemble UniTrento”, the instrumental group of the University choir - Aula EAlab, first floor.
Please register to participate in the event and workshops.
The parking lot in Mesiano will be open during the event.
Useful links