Micro-credentials in the EU and as an opportunity for the development of the Italian university system
When: 14.30 - 16.30
ECIU University, the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, is one of the 41 European universities alliances that have been selected as part of the Erasmus+ programme. ECIU has thirteen members, including the University of Trento, that have a few things in common: they are internationally-oriented, care about quality and innovation in teaching and learning and research, are committed to innovation and entrepreneurship.
ECIU University aims to innovate teaching and learning in Europe through the development of high quality educational practices where students, researchers, public organizations, companies and citizens can collaborate to find innovative solutions that will benefit society as a whole. ECIU will be among the first to support the micro-credential movement and the technology it requires.
The micro-credentialing movement supports more flexible and adaptable learning methods. A Europe-wide approach that will strengthen and expand learning opportunities and the role of higher education institutions, including in the area of vocational training and life-long learning.
The workshop aims to give an overview of Italian and European perspectives for higher education institutions. The speakers will present emerging trends and scenarios at national and European level, and describe the experience of UniTrento.
Welcome address
- Paola Iamiceli, Vice-rector for teaching and learning at the University of Trento
- Paolo Zanei, Head of the Student and Academic Services Division - University of Trento
- Maurizio Marchese, Vice-Rector for International development at the University of Trento
ECIU University: expertise in innovative education and research
- Vincenzo Zara, Università del Salento, Italian representative in the European Higher Education Area
Microcredentials: stato dell'arte a livello europeo e a livello nazionale
- Matteo Bertazzo, Digital Credentials specialist, and Sandro Cacciamani, CEO of Ex Machina Italia
Ecosistema delle Digital Credential: Open Badge & EDCI
Register to participate
Registration is required to participate in this event: registration is closed.
The participants will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.
Event organized by FormID - Centro di Competenza per la Formazione dei Docenti e Innovazione Didattica.