
IMTA (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture) production approaches, quality and enhancement of derived products

Seminario rivolto agli studenti del corso di laurea magistrale in Agrifood Innovation Management
8 May 2024
Start time 
9:00 am
Palazzo della Ricerca e della Conoscenza, via Mach 1, San Michele all'Adige
Target audience: 
University community
UniTrento students
Contact person: 
prof.ssa Sihem Dabbou
Dr. Mario Pazzaglia - Agro Ittica Lombarda S.p.A.

The seminar is organized within the educational activity of the course “Short cycle breeding and innovative techniques to improve product quality” of the first year of the AIM Master.
It is an applied training seminar in which different production approaches of integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) and complex semicircular flow systems will be presented, with special attention to freshwater systems and their products. The concept of “aquatic terroir” and the relationship between the farming ecosystem and the sensory profile of aquaculture products will be presented.
The seminar will discuss the various IMTA approaches that provide for the synergistic use of a by-product from a production process of one species for the cultivation of another species, in particular aquaponics and polycultures, their importance and development possibilities at European level and in Italy, the quality and valorisation of the products obtained from these systems.
The seminar will present case studies already applied to theoretical models, identifying strengths and criticalities. Participants and students will have ample opportunities to interact.

Dr. Mario Pazzaglia is currently head of special projects and scientific external relations at Agroittica Lombarda S.p.A. Brescia, a leading company for sturgeon and caviar production that also deals with the processing and smoking of trout, salmon, tuna, and swordfish. 
Dr. Pazzaglia completed his PhD course in “Productions of Aquatic and Terrestrial Animals and Quality of Products” at the University of Florence with a thesis entitled “Qualitative improvement of the production chain of caviar and  sturgeon.”.
In the academic year 2019, he obtained a master’s degree in “Communication of Sciences” from the University of Padua with an elaborate thesis entitled “The corporate communication of complex projects: the case of sustainability in Agro Ittica Lombarda.”
Dr. Pazzaglia taught in the specialisation courses for veterinarians (Hygiene, Pathology of Aquatic Species, and Control of Derivative Products) at the Italian universities (Milano, Udine, Padova, and Bologna).