Somatic embryogenesis as biotechnological tool for grapevine genetic improvement

Seminario dedicato agli studenti del corso di laurea in Viticoltura ed enologia
27 May 2021
27 maggio 2021

27 Maggio 2021, ore 10.00

Seminario inserito nell'attività didattica dell'insegnamento “Miglioramento delle produzioni vegetali: Tecniche avanzate di miglioramento genetico delle piante”.

  • Somatic embryogenesis as biotechnological tool for grapevine genetic improvement
    Dr.ssa Irene Perrone, Researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP), National Research Council (CNR), Turin, Italy.

Today the somatic embryogenesis (SE) is one of the most suitable tools for the application of in vitro manipulation in the Vitis genus. The SE process consists in the initiation of embryos from plant somatic tissues, it is usually induced in tissue cultures by means of growth regulators leading to embryogenic callus formation. This is an essential pre-requisite for both the traditional Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and the application of new breeding techniques (NBTs) in grapevine. Both approaches will be described and critical points discussed. Moreover, the exploitation of the somaclonal variability for genetic improvement purposes will be discussed.

Information and registration
This event will take place on-line through the Zoom platform.
People interested in participating can contact Prof. Maria Stella Grando: stella.grando [at] 
They will receive a link to access the seminar.