Conference / Meeting

Pezcoller Foundation - EACR Translational Cancer Researcher Award 2021

Zoom webinar
24 February 2022
Start time 
12:30 pm
Polo Ferrari 2 - Via Sommarive 9, Povo (Trento)
Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata - CIBIO
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required
Contact person: 
Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology - CIBIO
Contact details:

Pezcoller Foundation - EACR Translational Cancer Researcher Award 2021 


Sensing DNA as a danger signal via the cGAS-STING pathway

Dr. Andrea Ablasser 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL), Lausanne, Switzerland 

Her research focuses on mechanisms of innate immunity. She contributed to deciphering how cells respond to intracellular DNA as a signal of infection via the so-called cGAS-STING pathway - a fundamental discovery, which paved the way for promising new immunotherapies. Her lab has a strong interest in understanding mechanisms that control cGAS-STING activity and how these mechanisms contribute to distinct pathologies, including cancer.

Please use this  LINK to register!


PDF icon Lecture_Andrea Ablasser (PDF | 133 KB)