Conference / Meeting

Gene and cell therapy for hemophilia A, more than FVIII replacement

External Seminar
16 June 2022
Start time 
3:00 pm
Polo Ferrari 1 - Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room A205
Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata - CIBIO
Target audience: 
University community
Contact person: 
Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology - CIBIO
Contact details:


  • Antonia Follenzi, Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute dell’Università del Piemonte Orientale


Hemophilia A (HA) is a rare bleeding disorder caused by deficiency/dysfunction of the FVIII protein. As current therapies based on frequent FVIII infusions are not a definitive cure, long-term expression of FVIII in endothelial cells through lentiviral vector (LV)-mediated gene transfer holds the promise of a one-time treatment. Thus, here we sought to determine whether LV-corrected blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOECs) implanted through a prevascularized medical device (Cell Pouch) would rescue the bleeding phenotype of HA mice.

To this end, BOECs from HA patients and healthy donors were isolated, expanded, and transduced with an LV carrying FVIII driven by an endothelial-specific promoter employing GMP-like procedures. FVIII-corrected HA BOECs were either directly transplanted into the peritoneal cavity or injected into a Cell Pouch implanted subcutaneously in NSG-HA mice. In both cases, FVIII secretion was sufficient to improve the mouse bleeding phenotype.

Indeed, FVIII-corrected HA BOECs reached a relatively short-term clinically relevant engraftment being detected up to 16 weeks after transplantation, and their genomic integration profile did not show enrichment for oncogenes, confirming the process safety. Overall, this is the first preclinical study showing the safety and feasibility of transplantation of GMP-like produced LV-corrected BOECs within an implantable device for the long-term treatment of HA.