Practicalities of MS-Based proteomics

Practicalities of core technologies seminars announcement
13 March 2019
13th March 2019
Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO)
Via Sommarive 9, 38123 Povo (TN)
+39 0461 283163 - 1203 - 3995 - 1622 - 3706

Luogo: Povo 2 - aula B102
Orario: 14.00


  • Romina Belli and Daniele Peroni

MS Core Facility, Department CIBIO

CIBIO Core Facilities organize a new series of seminars with focus on the practicalities and techniques involved in their fields of expertise. We will report about the most relevant achievements but also failures to learn from. The latest technological updates will be also presented.We hope to gather all the expert users and many potential new users of the Facilities for a productive discussion.

application/pdfPracticalis of MS-Based Proteomics_Romina_Belli_Daniele_Peroni(PRACTICALIS OF MS-BASED PROTEOMICS_ROMINA_BELLI_DANIELE_PERONI | 3 MB)