Conference / Meeting

Lectio Magistralis Dr. Hans Clevers_Winner of 2021 Pezcoller AACR Award

24th Pezcoller Foundation - International Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Cancer research
17 September 2021
Start time 
12:45 pm
Polo Ferrari 2 - Via Sommarive 9, Povo (Trento)
Aula B107
Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata
Target audience: 
University community
Free – Registration required
Online – Registration required
Contact details: 
Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology - CIBIO

Dr. Hans Clevers has been awarded with the 2021 Pezcoller-AACR Award in light of a series of breakthrough discoveries that led to the development of mini-organs, now called organoids. The ability to generate organoids from embryonic and adult stem cells represents a crucial advance in the fields of regenerative medicine and oncology.

Award Recipient Background Information

The Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Cancer Research was established in 1997 to recognize a scientist who has made a major scientific discovery in basic cancer research, or who has made significant contributions to translational cancer research; who continues to be active in cancer research, and has a record of recent and noteworthy publications; and whose ongoing work holds promise for continued substantive contributions to progress in the field of cancer.

Info: [at] "> [at]


