Together to improve treatments and prognosis in brain tumors
The Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC of the University of Trento and the Provincial Agency for Health Services - APSS, together with the Neurosurgery Unit, organize the event Together to improve treatments and prognosis in brain tumors.
The results of clinical research in the field of neuroscience, funded by private and public bodies in the territory of Trentino, will be presented during the conference, it will also be an opportunity to document the progress made in neuroscientific and neuro-clinical research oncology in the Province of Trento in recent years, thanks to the solid collaborations between the main stakeholders of our territory in the field of neuroscience, and thank to all those who supported these initiatives. The new perspectives and ongoing research in one of the most evolving fields of life sciences will be presented, in the hope of creating ever new and ever wider synergies for the future.
All the institutions that have supported these issues, including the CARITRO Foundation, the Paolina Lucarelli Irion Foundation, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Rovereto, will be present.
10.00-10.20 Welcome
- Paola Iamiceli, University of Trento
- Antonio Ferro, Provincial Health Services Company - APSS
10.20-11.00 Greetings from the institutions and representatives of the supporting bodies
- Stefania Segnana, Autonomous Province of Trento
- Giulia Robol, Municipality of Rovereto
- Carlo Schonsberg, CARITRO Foundation
- Vivian Jourdan, Paolina Lucarelli Irion Foundation
11.00-11.30 Introduction: Neuroscience and Clinical in UniTrento and APSS
- Jorge Jovicich, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences- CIMeC
- Silvio Sarubbo, U.O. Neurosurgery, Provincial Health Services Company - APSS
11.30-12.00 Neuropsychological evaluation of patients with glioma
- Costanza Papagno, CERIN - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences- CIMeC
- Luca Zigiotto, U.O. Neurosurgery - U.O. Psychology, Provincial Health Services Company - APSS
12.00-12.15 Prechirurgical mapping of brain connectivity
- Paolo Avesani, Bruno Kessler Foundation
12.15-12.30 Functional maps: tools for the surgeon and science
- Beatrice Luciani, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences- CIMeC
12.30 Closing of the event
Scientific Committee
Jorge Jovicich, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences- CIMeC
Silvio Sarubbo, U.O. Neurosurgery, Provincial Health Services Company - APSS