
Cognitive Science and Pedagogical Practice – The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

PhD in Cognitive Science
26 May 2022
Start time 
12:00 pm
Palazzo Fedrigotti - Corso Bettini 31, Rovereto
Sala Convegni
Target audience: 
University community


  • Maya M. Khanna (Creighton University, USA)

Scientific Coordinator: Remo Job


In this program, Maya will provide a general overview of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). She will also discuss the science of learning and memory and relate theories of each to pedagogical practice. In doing so, she will discuss ways that she has designed and conducted SoTL studies with her students in order to investigate ways to improve their learning and course performance. Maya will also help seminar participants begin to think about questions that they could explore within their pedagogical practice. Finally, she will invite participants to work with her to help them design and implement their own SoTL studies within their classes. Through the course of the seminar and follow-up meetings, Maya will work with interested faculty and students through their own SoTL projects from inception to design, implementation, data analyses, and dissemination.