Machine learning: applications to clinical and psychological research

15 March 2019
March 15th 2019

H. 9:00-12:30
Venue: Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Corso Bettini, 31, Rovereto - meeting room

The goal of this workshop is to explore opportunities, challenges and implications of applying machine learning (ML) principles and techniques to psychological and clinical research. To this aim we bring together talks of senior researchers and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. psychology, autism research, computer science, replication studies in psychology, etc.), but sharing a common interest in using ML to frame and address relevant research questions.


Machine Learning; behavioral data; clinical data; autism; neurodevelopmental disorders; clinical diagnosis; crowdsourced studies in psychology; addressing replication crisis in psychology research.


  9:00 Marco Chierici (FBK) - Giuseppe Jurman (FBK) - Predictive models: principles and case studies

10:00 Isotta Landi (University of Trento) - Tackling heterogeneity in neurodevelopmental disorders with unsupervised learning

10:20 Gabriele Calabrò (University of Trento) - Exploring social interaction in autism spectrum disorders with machine learning and wearable sensors

10:40 Gianpaolo Alvari (University of Trento) - Early detection of Autism by Home Video screening with Deep Learning

11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 Richard Klein (University of Grenobles) - Welcome to the era of big psychology

Potential audience:

Master and undergraduate students, PhD students and researchers in the areas of Cognitive Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer science and Data Science.

Cost: free.

To register for the workshop, please send an email to: phd.dipsco [at]; subject: Machine learning