EMPG 2020
Save the date for the 2020 Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group (EMPG 2020)
24 - 26 August 2020
Rovereto (TN) – Italy
The aim of the 2020 Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group (EMPG 2020) is to provide a unique forum for researchers from a range of perspectives who are interested in all aspects of Mathematical Psychology.
Some relevant topics include, but are not limited to: Perception and Psychophysics, Models of Cognition and Learning, Knowledge Structures, Measurement and Scaling, Psychometrics, Computational Methods, Statistical Methods, Mathematical Models, Bayesian Models.
The meeting will be held at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science at the University of Trento, Rovereto pole, Italy, from Monday 24 August to Wednesday 26 August 2020.
Further information about meeting, registration, fees and abstract submission will be available in January on the event website.