Teaching Parents to Promote their Child's Social Communication: Overview of the Project ImPACT

PhD Talk
26 April 2021
26 April 2021
Venue: Online Talk offered through Zoom Platform
Date and Time: Monday 26th April 2021, 4:00pm - 5:00pm (Italian Time)
Doctoral Course in Cognitive Science - PhD Talk

Within the MIUR programme framework “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza



  • Brooke R. Ingersoll - Michigan State University (USA)

Scientific coordinator: Simona De Falco


This presentation will introduce attendees to Project ImPACT, an evidence-based parent-mediated intervention for young children with ASD and their families. It will describe the benefits of parent involvement in treatment for their child and provide an overview of the intervention strategies and coaching models used to help parent learn how to promote their child’s social communication during daily activities. This presentation will also describe the training and consultation models used to prepare professionals, and describe research supporting the approach.