Best practices in systematic reviews and meta analysis in Psychology

DiPSCo PhD Seminar
12 May 2021
13 May 2021
14 May 2021
12-14 May 2021

Venue: Room 4 and 6 – Palazzo Piomarta – Corso Bettini, 84 – Rovereto

Date and Time
12 May, 9.00-12:00 and 15.00-18.00, Room 6
13 May, 15.00-18.00, Room 6
14 May, 9.00-12.00, Room 4

Doctoral Course in Cognitive Science - PhD Talk

Within the MIUR programme framework “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza


  • Angelo Brandelli Costa - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

Scientific coordinator: Gianluca Esposito



9.00-12.00, Room 6
Introduction / history
Different forms of revision:

  1. Narrative review (of traditional review)
  2. Scoping review
  3. Systematic review
  4. Meta Analysis and network meta analysis

15.00-18.00, Room 6
Delimitation of the research question
Protocol pre-registration
Management softwares
Choice of Data Sources


15.00-18.00, Room 6
Election of keywords for the search
Search and storage of results (with and without management software)
Selection of articles by the abstract, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria
Extraction of data from selected articles
Evaluation of the quality of the evidence of the selected articles:

  1. Clinical trials (experimental)
  2. Cross-sectional (observational)
  3. Qualitative


9.00-12.00, Room 4
Synthesis and interpretation of results:

  1. Meta-analysis
  2. Meta-synthesis

Writing a systematic review article
Checklist for submission (PRISMA and PRISMA-SCP)
Quality assessment of systematic reviews (AMSTAR 1 and 2)
Frequent problems in systematic reviews