International conference & PhD and Post-Doc colloquium
17 July 2017
18 July 2017
19 July 2017
20 July 2017
17-20 luglio 2017

Venue: C Lab, Piazza Fiera 4

FUTURINFRASTRUCTURE offers an interdisciplinary platform to debate, confront, share and produce knowledge on the territorial, architectural, environmental and economical dimension of infrastructures and their futures internationally. Students, professors, and practitioners will address topics related to landscape, ecology, sustainability, innovation, climate change, and resilience as collaborators for defining the future meaning of infrastructures at the various scales. The International Summer School offers a moment of interaction between experts, scholars, professors, and stakeholders from all over the world. Invited speakers and local professors will present projects, researches, and strategies as accelerators of change in sustainable territorial systems. 

FUTURINFRASTRUCTURE aims to address, through different scales and methodologies, the renewed relationship between infrastructures and landscapes, urban settlements, productive habitat, environmental systems, alternative energy, such as new visions and strategies to give infrastructures a role engine of territorial development. The Summer School will be organized thought three integrated moments. Lectures of keynote researchers that broadly expand the concepts of FUTURINFRASTRUCTURE; public reviews of PhD scholars with discussants from the host university and international schools; lastly parallel working tables to elaborate new concepts for FUTURINFRASCTRUCTURE that will presented and voted by a public jury during the last day of works.

FUTURINFRASTRUCTURE will be organized through thematic sessions to stress and explore the sense of infrastructures of the future according to following three topics.

Gender: the impact that mobility improvements have on cities and architectures directly refers to their livability considering noise, traffic, air quality, safety, environment, social and territorial integration. Mobility is understood as an indicator for a smart sustainable environment because it is very apparent in a city.  However, the emerging megatrends oblige us to confront to global issues as climate change, shifting in global economy and new epicenters, consumption growth and new values, technological paradox. How infrastructure could respond to these changes? This session will explore projects that propose infrastructure in a wider sense: blue and green infrastructure, landscape infrastructure, ecological infrastructure, Internet of things as ways for a renewed mobility. Are these the emerging concepts for the infrastructures of the future?
On these sites, complex assemblages of interdependent ecologies are constituted of diverse plant and animal species and hydrological systems.

Osmotic: infrastructures have been generally considered as spaces to connect far away places as fast as possible and to be quickly crossed. At the same time, infrastructure are generally built in most ecological the should shift into a place of permanence and not just a transition, a biological material originating from the surrounding area as well as integrated within the territorial condition. Osmotic Infrastructures work as ecological systems in a perpetual state of exchanges with natural ecosystems, acting for the landscape and in the landscape. This session welcomes projects that implement strategies and devices in (re)developing infrastructures in osmosis with the surrounding areas to generate trade with ecological systems but also to create new implemented and sustainable landscapes.

Useless: the abandonment of infrastructures is a pervasive phenomenon worldwide that has exponentially growth in the recent decades. Given the history of evolution of travel modes but also due to the cities expansions, many infrastructures have become obsolete; many have been abandoned, either because they are in the wrong places, no longer needed, or cause to the functional obsolescence of the structures. This session will explore the capacity of these structures to express diverse meanings over time, beyond their original function or use the exploration of fostering new life cycles.

The lectures and colloquium contributions will be published as book. Additionally, the concepts for FUTURINFRASTRUCTURE (posters) and the outcomes of the Summer School will be presented in the 10th Biennal of Chile 2017 “Impostergable” and in the REDS5 International Symposium in Spring 2018.

Selection criteria
The International Summer School will accept up to 15 PhD and Pos-doc candidates. The scientific committee will select the contributions for the conference and colloquium according to the quality of the abstracts and CV. For the colloquium, respondents will be chosen to answer to the candidates’ presentations, in consideration of the proposed themes. All proceedings will be in English. Applications should be sent to the following email address: sara.favargiotti [at] unitn.it by June 16.

The abstract should provide:

  • name and contact data
  • affiliation; for PhD candidates also: thesis supervisor
  • short CV
  • title and abstract of the contribution (max 3.000 characters incl. spaces)
  • 10 main bibliographic references

Registration deadline: 23.06.2017
Notification of acceptance: 28.06.2017
Payment deadline: 07.07.2017

Please click here to complete the online registration by June 16, 2017.

The amount of fee is: 150 euro per scholar (including 3 nights accommodation, reception, social dinner and proceedings); or 100 euro per scholar (including reception, social dinner and proceedings). 
Please click here to complete the online registration by June 16, 2017.

Scientific committee and Peer reviewers:
Marjan Colletti (UIBK), Sara Favargiotti (UNITN), Maddalena Ferretti (LUH), Mathilde Marengo (IAAC), Mosè Ricci (UNITN), Chiara Rizzi (UNIBAS), Emanuele Sommariva (LUH), Jeannette Sordi (UAI), Giuseppe Scaglione (UNITN), Stefania Staniscia (WVU), Jörg Schröder (LUH)


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