Take a look at the new calendar of UniTrento events: https://eventi.unitn.it/en

Scopri il nuovo calendario degli eventi Unitrento: più semplice, più completo, più aggiornato: https://eventi.unitn.it


SOFE: Speak Out For Engineering

International Public Speaking Contest
13 December 2023
Start time 
5:30 pm
Polo Ferrari 2 - Via Sommarive 9, Povo (Trento)
Girasole room
Target audience: 
UniTrento students
Contact details: 
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your presentation skills?
Are you a talented public speaker looking for a new challenge?
Can you present for 20 minutes and answer some questions for the chance to win great prizes?

SOFE (Speak Out for Engineering) is a competition for young engineers designed to help develop verbal and visual communication in explaining technical mechanical engineering related subjects.

SOFE is an international public speaking contest run by IMechE and supported by the Department of Industrial Engineering.

The participation is open to students enrolled in the third year of the bachelor's and master's degrees of the Department.

Entries are now open for the heat which will run in Trento the 13th of December 2023. 


Registration forms will have to be emailed by the 30th of November 2023 to IMechE Italian Branch (giulio.malinverno [at] gmail.com) and to Dr Emiliano Rustighi (emiliano.rustighi [at] unitn.it).
Free registration to IMechE as Affiliate Members will be required. An academic advisor will be assigned at the moment of registration. 

Type F credit

In order to obtain 1 formative credit it is requested to participate to the competition and to obtain a score of at least 60/100 marks.