Data Scientists on Tour: Unlocking potential of Data and Analytics for value generation
Wednesday's @DISI Industrial Seminars
23 May 2018
May 23, 2018
Hour: 13.00 to 14.00 pm
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN) - Room A205
- Cristina Cricca (head of recruiting)
- Arianna D’Angelo (data scientist)
- Stefano Cavallari (data scientist)
Company: McKinsey&Company
A unique opportunity to learn how Data Science generate value for the business and how distinctive knowledge is turned into professional growt.
- Data Science in McKinsey and presentation of the Analytics Lab
- Applying Data Science to address business problems
- Case study (interactive): from problem statement to technical solution
- Getting in touch with McKinsey Analytics
For more information, please contact: comm.disi [at]