Wednesday's @DISI Industrial Seminars
6 June 2018
June 6, 2018

Hour: 13.00 to 14.00 pm
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN) - Room A205


  • Donato Campagnoli

Company: Mas-Tech srl


  • Prof. Nicu Sebe, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science


You are a "monster" in computer vision and/or in machine learning...  

...never thought to...

...get data from the tons of videos of tennis matches that you find available everywhere?

...use then an innovative analytics and provide hundreds of million of users worldwide with an immersive multimedia experience for a better understanding of their wonderful sport?

Wanna be part of a project of incredible potential to revolutionize the way a Sport like Tennis is perceived, watched and played?

Ready to think and be different? ZLAM is what you are looking for!

Value proposition: ZLAM uses computer vision, AI and Machine Learning to automatically get (from a video footage of a tennis match) basic and unconventional data about the players’ performance for entertainment, educational, betting and e-sport purposes.

About the Speaker

Donato Campagnoli: Freelance Consultant for the Italian Tennis Federation (FIT), he has been lecturing for the Technical Department of the Coach Education (Courses 1 to 4) and is in charge of the international relationships with other federations/governing bodies of tennis since 2014.

Private consultant providing leadership/education services for coaches and management services for tennis facilities and companies, he owns www.hellstennis.coach, a website delivering information and educationals for professionals in the Tennis Sector.

Coach of pro players at his academy for more than 15 years travelling internationally for Futures, Challengers and ATP tournaments.

Entrepreneur with the high-tech company Mas-Tech srl for applied patent pending analytics technologies for Tennis and other situational sports.

PTR Italy Professional of the Year 2014, PTR International Master Professional and Level 4 FIT certified since 2005.

College degree as a professional interpreter (speaking 5 languages) at the University of Bologna and a Masters degree in Economics, he has been presenting at international conferences in 4 continents.

For more information, please contact: comm.disi [at] unitn.it



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