Scripting: Designing IT platforms with communities

25 September 2018
September 25, 2018

Date and Time: September 25, 2018 -15:30
Venue: Via Sommarive 5 - Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo, TN) - Room Ofek


  • Liesbeth Huybrechts - University of Hasselt, Belgium


In this lecture I want to address the challenge of designing  IT platforms for and with communities without considering them as a homogeneous whole, but with respect for the different actors' voices and timelines. In Huybrechts, Hendriks, Yndigegn & Malmborg (2017) we have addressed this challenge via defining the IT design process as 'scripting'. This is a process that better articulates and includes the participants’ different voices and timelines when co-constructing IT platforms that support participation in and with the community over time. In this process three types of scripts are made: personal scripts as portrayals of individuals’ views on issues in the community and timelines to address these; community scripts aspiring to combine personal scripts into pluralistic views on the community and scripts for action as ways to rehearse how the community might unfold after the designer leaves. The idea is that creating IT tools that are enabled by and support scripting, allows for designing for and with communities to become a pluralistic endeavour.

About the Speaker

Liesbeth Huybrechts is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Arts, University of Hasselt, Belgium. She is part of the ArcK research group. Prof. Huybrechts is General Chair of the Participatory Design Conference 2018.

Contact: vincenzo.dandrea [at] (Vincenzo D'Andrea)