Software Defined Radios Hackathon
Venue: Via Sommarive 9 - Polo Ferrari 2 (Povo, TN) - Atrio
For the first time in Italy, a hackathon dedicated to Telecommunications will take place at Povo. To understand the potential of using Artificial Intelligence in this sector and the future challenges related to wireless standards, the participants (25-30) will compete in the analysis/automatic classification of modulations and (in general) in the analysis of the transmission spectrum. A feature of particular interest is the possibility of using Software Defined Radio professional platforms from National Instruments, as well as the LabView Communications software.
The event is organized in collaboration IEEE Joint VTS / ComSoc Italy Chapter, IRS S.r.l
More details:
Contact: fabrizio.granelli [at] (Fabrizio Granelli)
IMG>National Instruments