ICT Days 2016

VIII° edition
10 March 2016
11 March 2016
12 March 2016
March 10, 11, 12, 2016

Location: Department of Information Engineering ad Computer Science, Povo 1 and Povo 2 Building, via Sommarive - Povo, Trento


The ICT Days, launched in 2009 as an initiative by the University of Trento's DISI (Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science), are dedicated to the broad subject of Information and Communication Technology. After many years of success, the event has become an important meeting opportunity both local and national.

Placement Day, on March 10,  is one of the most important events on the program. It is an arena dedicated to the encounter between companies and university students. For the former, it is an opportunity to find highly-trained human capital; for the latter, it is a chance for an internship or work experience placement starting from the most important moment: the interview

On the same day it will takes also place the PhD Poster Session, an exhibition of works/research projects carried out by the doctoral students of the ICT International Doctoral School. The issues presented in this interactive poster session will be various.

Much success and resourcefulness is also shown by the students who participate in the hackathon, an American-type event in which various work teams compete in a software programming marathon. The hackathon is an innovative experience located within a structured context in which the students are required to create, test and validate their projects. 

For its part, the Education Day, on March 11,  is dedicated to prospective students and furnishes university orientation to high school students. These are given an opportunity to interact with the academic world through direct contact with the university structure, its services, teaching staff and students. 

On the same day, CoderDojo Master arranges a meeting for high school students who are interested in technology, reserved to learning coding and to the structure of the software that are carried out every day on various types of devices.

The meeting is held by students of the University of Trento, that, as a mentor, provide their time and their knowledge guiding girls and boys in the process of coding, Website Development, mobile app, games and much more.

The arguments put forward are the fundamentals of programming (Python), programming for the Web (HTML5, CSS and JS) and gaming (primarily Construct but also Gdevelop, Unity).

Students will be free to follow their passions in alternative projects based on their interests.

March 12 is dedicated to children and teenagers, who want to approach new technologies with the help of CoderDojo tutor.

CoderDojo is a non-profit organization born in Ireland in 2011 with more than 300 computer clubs volunteers worldwide. Aimed at children and adolescents, it has the aim of organizing free meetings to allow them to familiarize and learn about the tools of information technology.

The ICT Days program also includes communicative events dedicated to the general public interested in new technologies. These include seminars, demos and workshops.

For further information: www.ictdays.it

ICT Days - DISI, University of Trento
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo Trento

Scientific coordinator
Nicu Sebe

Organization coordinator
Mirta Alberti tel. 0461 282092

Organizational Secretariat
Soledad Ayala tel. 0461 282094
Vanessa Caleca tel. 0461 283978

info [at] ictdays.it

ICT Days 2016 (Fotoservizio Roberto Bernardinatti - Archivio Università di Trento)
ICT Days 2016 (Fotoservizio Roberto Bernardinatti - Archivio Università di Trento)
ICT Days 2016 (Fotoservizio Roberto Bernardinatti - Archivio Università di Trento)
ICT Days 2016 (Fotoservizio Roberto Bernardinatti - Archivio Università di Trento)
ICT Days 2016 (Fotoservizio Roberto Bernardinatti - Archivio Università di Trento)