
Today’s and future challenges in automating distributed devices integrating IoT, Security and Hybrid Cloud

DISI Industrial Workshops Series
20 October 2021
Start time 
1:30 pm
Polo Ferrari 1 - Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room A210
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Target audience: 
UniTrento students
Free – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
19 October 2021, 13:00
Contact details: 
DISI Communication Office
Nicola Manica, Chief Technology Officer at Praim S.r.l.


IoT represent nowadays an established and wide set of technologies with still an immense growth potential and room for new applications and use cases in the near future.
However, when handling such technologies in real-life applications and business, the widespread distribution of IoT and complex devices imposes new challenges to be practically managed.
The potentially huge number of devices requires first of all automation capabilities, supporting any use case in order to be human manageable. This includes the capability to remotely control, configure, protect and update devices in a exponentially scalable way. Furthermore, the enhancements in IoT allowed the explosion of opportunity to conceive new scenarios, based on device ubiquity and on the real-time generation, transmission and collection of data, being this one of the most contributing technology evolution leading to the current “Big Data era”.
When projecting this technological landscape to industrial and business cases computational efficiency, business continuity and security (including both the protection of the corporate data assets and the defense against cyber-attacks on a much wider perimeter and distributed perimeter) become crucial aspects to be faced, requiring the integration of other emerging technologies and different architectural approaches such as with the Hybrid Cloud.

Keywords: Automation, Device Management, IoT, Hybrid Cloud, Security


The participation is free but it is mandatory to register online by 19 October at 1:00 pm due to Covid-19 restrictions that limit the seats in the room.
In compliance with Covid-19 restrictions adopted on 3.6.2021, the access to the room is allowed only with the Digital Covid Certificate (Green Pass) and face masks must be worn at all times.


13:30 - Welcome by prof. Luigi Palopoli, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
13:35 - Company presentation, PRAIM
13:40 - Case study presented by Nicola Manica
14:10 - Skills for the future 
14:15 - Q&A session

About the company

Praim is a technology company that develops software and produces hardware solutions, for the efficient deployment, control and management of endpoints (digital work places). Praim support companies of all sizes and in all sectors, from Industry to Health, from Logistic to Finance, with easy-to-scale technologies for management of corporate IT assets and infrastructures, and for the access to remote or cloud resources. It provides solutions for ensuring workstations security, and develops tools to organize, monitor and update whole local or distributed infrastructures, made of up to tens of thousands endpoints, potentially distributed capillary in the territory (in branch offices or home working).
Praim is based in Trento – where its R&D operates – and is also present in Spain and the UK.

DISI Industrial Workshops: A series of Workshops dedicated to technologies, methodologies and case studies by leading companies aimed to bring students closer to today's real business world.