Nanoscience Laboratory Kick Off Meeting
Venue: Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico “Fabio Ferrari”, via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento) - Room A108
The meeting aims at making the point of the research activities to pave the way to the future research programs of the Nanoscience Laboratory. Since this year, four new researchers will join the lab they will introduce their research activities. In addition, four research teams, formed by the young scientists of the lab, will challenge the audience with the state of the art of their research in nanoscience and photonics.
Welcome remarks by Lorenzo Pavesi, Director of the Nanoscience Lab
- 14.00-14.30 Tailored enhancement of light-matter interactions in micro- and nano-resonators for integrated quantum photonics, Stefano Azzini
- 14.30-15.00 Building an artificial engram with light, Beatrice Vignoli
- 15.00-15.30 Artificial learning and biological learning: relations, differences and simulations, Enver Sangineto
- 15.30-16.00 Optical coherent receivers, Mattia Mancinelli
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
- 16.30-17.00 Interactive talk by the Micro and application team, Stefano Biasi, Sara Piccione, Andrea Volpini, Damiano Lodi, Davide Bazzanella, Clara Zaccaria, Giovanni Donati
- 17.00-17.00 Interactive talk by the Nano and Materials team, Cecilia Ada Maestri, Chiara Piotto, Francesca Marchetti, Nicola Ferrari
- 17.30-18.00 Interactive talk by Nonlinear team, Pierre Guilleme, Claudio Castellan, Chiara Vecchi, Riccardo Franchi
- 18.00-18.30 Interactive talk by the Quantum team, Stefano Signorini, Matteo Pasini, Nicolò Leone
Free entries according to place availability
Tatsiana Egorova
Nanoscience Laboratory
Department of Physics
tatsiana.egorova [at]
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