PhD final examinations

Cycle 32 - September and October 2020
23 September 2020
8 October 2020
23 October 2020
27 October 2020
23 September, 8, 23, 27 October 2020

The link to attend the video conference will be sent to those invited by the PhD student or to those who make an explicit request to the course secretariat (dicamphd [at]

23 September 2020, 15:00

Validation and application of advanced soil constitutive models in numerical modelling of soil and soil-structure interaction under seismic loading
Supervisor: Alessandro Gajo, Università di Trento
Examination Committee:
Daniele Zonta, Università di Trento; David Masin, Charles University in Prague; Armando Simonelli, Università degli Studi del Sannio di Benevento

8 October 2020, 15:00

Alessandro BETTA
Hybrid Fringes Discussing contemporary (r-)urban fractal territories: Techno-natural tactics for post-urban systems
Supervisors: Sara Favargiotti, Università di Trento; Mosè Ricci, Università di Trento
DESIGN HIGH | HERITAGE IN TRANSITION Classification and design tools for alpine isolated building systems
Supervisors: Giovanna Massari, Università di Trento; Claudio Lamanna, Università di Trento
Examination Committee:
Cristiana Volpi, Università di Trento; Chiara Rizzi, Università della Basilicata; Daniel A.Walser, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons

23 October 2020, 14:00

Development of a probabilistic fire demand model and a fire protection for performance-based fire design of petrochemical plants
Supervisors: Nicola Tondini, Università di Trento; Nicoleta Popa, ArcelorMittal Luxembourg
Examination Committee:
Ivan Giongo, Università di Trento; Thomas Gernay, Johns Hopkins University USA; Flavio Stochino, Università della Calabria

27 October 2020, time to be fixed

Transpiration theory and the Prospero component of GEOframe
Supervisors: Riccardo Rigon, Università di Trento; Giacomo Bertoldi, Eurac research
Examination Committee:
Bruno Majone, Università di Trento; Marco Borga, Università di Padova; Salvatore Manfreda, Università della Basilicata
edited by Communication and Events Office  - polo di Collina