Special event

End-to-End Neuro-Symbolic Approaches for Event Recognition

PhD candidate Gianluca Apriceno
30 October 2023
Start time 
2:00 pm
Polo Ferrari 1 - Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room Garda
Doctoral Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science
Target audience: 
University community
Contact details: 
Doctoral Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science

PhD Candidate

  • Gianluca Apriceno

Abstract of Dissertation

Event detection is a critical challenge in many fields like video surveillance, social graph analysis, and multimedia processing. Furthermore, events are “structured” objects involving multiple components like the event type, the participants with their roles, and the atomic events in which it decomposes. Therefore, the recognition of an event is not only limited to recognize the type of the event and when it happened, but it involves solving a set of simple tasks. Exploiting background knowledge about events and their relations could then be beneficial for event detection. In the last years, neuro-symbolic integration has been proposed to merge the strengths and overcome the drawbacks of both symbolic and neural worlds. As a consequence, different neuro-symbolic frameworks, which combine low-level perception of neural networks with a symbolic layer, encoding prior domain knowledge (usually defined in terms of logical rules), have been applied to solve different atemporal tasks. In this thesis, we want to investigate the application of the neuro-symbolic paradigm for event detection. This would also provide a better insight into the strengths and limitations of neuro-symbolic towards tasks involving time.