
Functional formalism for algebraic classical and quantum field theory

Cycle 35th Oral Defence of the Phd Thesis
31 July 2023
Start time 
9:30 am
PovoZero - Via Sommarive 14, Povo (Trento)
Seminar room 1 – Department of Mathematics
Doctoral School in Mathematics
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required
Registration email: 
Contact person: 
Prof. Romeo Brunetti

Andrea Moro - PhD in Mathematics, University of Trento

In the first part of this thesis we study the generalization of the recent algebraic approach to classical field theory by proposing a more general setting based on the manifold of smooth sections of a non-trivial fiber bundle. Central is the notion of observables/functionals over such sections, i.e. appropriate smooth functions on them. The kinematic will be further specified by means of Peierls brackets, which in turn are defined via the causal propagators of linearized field equations. In the second part we implement deformation quantization of the algebras obtained above in the simpler setting of scalar field theory. Wick powers and time ordered products for quantum field theories in curved spacetimes are defined by giving a set of axioms which, when implemented, defines uniquely, up to some classifiable ambiguities, the aforementioned quantities. Those ambiguities are known to be tightly restrained by locality, covariance and other regularity conditions. One of the additional constraints used was to require continuous and analytic dependence on the metric and coupling parameters. It was recently shown that this rather strong requirement could be weakened, in the case of Wick powers, to the so-called parametrized microlocal spectrum condition. We therefore show the existence of Wick powers satisfying the above condition and extend this axiom to time ordered products, while reestablishing the usual uniqueness and existence results in light of the new constraint.