2 May 2018
2 May 2018
Doctoral School of Social Sciences
via Verdi 26, 38122 - Trento
+39 0461 283756 - 2290
+39 0461 282335

Skype: school.socialsciences

2 PM, Laboratory 4, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, via Verdi 26.

  • Michele Cascarano: Estimating credit rationing for italian firms: a disequilibrium approach


The purpose of this work is to investigate credit rationing on italian firms in the period subsequent the 2008 crisis, namely if firms have faced the situation in which banks are unwilling to supply additional funds to those who demanded credit, being them willing to pay interest rates greater or equal than the prevailing market ones.
In Europe, and especially in Italy, where banks are the most important source of funding, rationing or, more generally, financial or liquidity constraints have been and still are major issues for firms for the financing of their investment projects. Liquidity shortages and balance sheets' deterioration for banks may have impacted on the supply of credit to firms, in particular for those unable to access other external sources of funds. Conversely  the decline of profits and of investment opportunities may have reduced firms' demand for credit.
In order to determine whether firms are rationed and to what extent, and if these bank lending restrictions had demand-side or supply-side causes I will employ econometric disequilibrium modeling on a comprehensive bank-firm dataset collecting information on loans and their characteristics such as quantities, costs and maturities, in addition to firms' and banks' attributes. I will, then, refine and broaden the search for the determinants of credit rationing by going through possible information asymmetry mitigators such as geographical proximity and network connectivity.

  • Abdul Aziz Alhammadi: Intercultural relationships and economical behaviors: A study of altruism, reciprocity, cooperation and trust.


Laboratory experiments are an important resource in economics, especially in the field of behavioral economics, as they serve as behavioral models of real life economic interchanges. The object of this research is to identify how specific behavioral patterns and attitudes are affected by the existence of significant differences in the cultural traits of the interacting partner. The analysis will be conducted by using a set of standard economic games - Dictator Game, Ultimatum Game, Prisoner's Dilemma, and Trust Game- to investigate on the degree of altruism, trust, reciprocity,
willingness to cooperate. In the main treatments, we will manipulate the degree of cultural heterogeneity of between the parties, comparing homogenous pairs, in terms of nationality, and heterogeneous once.