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Conference / Meeting

Cities and International Law

International Meeting
16 September 2022
Start time 
10:00 am
Palazzo di Giurisprudenza - Via Verdi 53, Trento
Fulvio Zuelli Conference Room
Target audience: 
Online – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
15 September 2022, 12:00
Contact person: 
prof. Giuseppe Nesi
Contact details: 
Faculty of Law Secretariat


As the world goes urban, a growing interest has arisen over the global role of cities and local communities in international relations. The international meeting addresses the impact of cities on the development of international law, on the occasion of the publication of the Research Handbook edited by Helmut Aust and Janne Nijman (Elgar, 2021) as well as of a special issue of the Italian Yearbook of International Law. The purpose of the event is to shed some light on how international law is shaped, interpreted and implemented by cities in various fields, ranging from climate change over human rights and migration to security governance.  


10.00 - Welcome address and First panel

Introduction: Janne Nijman, University of Amsterdam and Geneva Graduate Institute


  • Eliana Augusti, Università del Salento
  • Riccardo Pavoni, Università di Siena

Chair: Francesco Francioni, EUI


11.30 - Second panel


  • Christine Bakker, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna e British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • Mirko Sossai, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Chair: Giuseppe Nesi, Università di Trento


Final remarks: Helmut Aust, Freie Universität Berlin

13.00 - Conclusion of the Meeting

Scientific organizers

  • Giuseppe Nesi, Università di Trento
  • Mirko Sossai, Università degli Studi Roma Tre