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Artificial Intelligence and research integrity

Ciclo: Seminars and workshops on Research Integrity
16 December 2022
Start time 
11:00 am
Via Zoom
Target audience: 
Online – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
15 December 2022, 12:00

11:00 Introduction

Elisabetta Pulice, PhD, Teaching Assistant, Integra Project, University of Trento

11: 10 AI and research integrity

Carlo Casonato, Professor of comparative constitutional law; Jean Monnet Chair: AI and law; Rector’s delegate for the Research Ethics Committee, University of Trento

12:00 A EU Artificial Intelligence Act?

Marta Fasan, PhD, Research fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Trento

12:30 Discussion

Scientific committee: Carlo Casonato, Cinzia Piciocchi, Elisabetta Pulice (INTEGRA, University of Trento)

The seminar will be held online.
To attend, please fill in the registration-form.

Research Integrity safeguards, enhances and promotes quality of research and public confidence in researchers. It prevents adverse impact on participants and society, waste of resources, enhancing scientific, social and economic advancement while at the same time protecting the careers and reputation of researchers and research institutions.

The link between high-quality standards of research and research integrity is an fundamental part of the Trento University policy, which has included these values in its strategic objectives. UniTrento has a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct, a Research Ethics Committee (CER) aimed at evaluating research projects involving humans, as well as an animal welfare body (OPBA). High levels of Research Integrity play an important role also in supporting the University internationalisation strategy and engagement.

Moreover, principles of Research Integrity and ethics are considered for all EU funded projects in all research domains. An ethics self-assessment and compliance with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity published by All European Academies (ALLEA) are required by Horizon Europe, the EU Research and Innovation funding programme.

What are the principles of Research Integrity?
What are the consequences of a breach of these principles?
How can researchers enhance and promote their research at the national, European and international level?
How to create awareness on Research Integrity and opportunities to share experiences among PhD students, researchers and supervisors?
How to write and submit projects requiring Research Ethics Committee approval?

The Research ethics and integrity office, within the Research Support and Valorisation Division, and INTEGRA - Integrity of TrEnto ReseArch, a strategic project funded by UniTrento, aim at answering these questions. The INTEGRA Project is implemented at both an institutional and academic level and is particularly focused on promoting interdisciplinary and interdepartmental knowledge, awareness, and cooperation on issues of research integrity by organising training events, workshops and meetings for PhD students, researchers and supervisors.